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Important Late Season Lake of the Woods Ice Safety Tips

Lake of the Woods Ice

Minnesota weather is less than predictable from week to week, so keeping a close eye on ice conditions is key for any Minnesota ice fishing trip. Some Lake of the Woods ice fishing seasons end by mid-March while others have stretched into April. It all depends on how Mother Nature is feeling that year, so paying close attention to the weather and Lake of the Woods ice reports is extremely important when traveling north during the late winter months.

Lake of the Woods IceDon’t Get Caught on Thin Ice

We have all seen news stories covering various lakes where someone wasn’t paying attention and ended up with a photo of their vehicle, tail pipe in the air, broken through the ice. It is a situation that nobody ever wants to be caught in, so our number one safety tip for Lake of the Woods ice is always check for thickness

As the season begins to warm up, there is typically a mix of weather that tends to roll in pretty randomly. Minnesota can easily see a day above 40º F, 10 inches of snow, and rain all in the same week. The ice ends up reacting to all of it and can make judgment of thickness less predictable than the consistent cold throughout January and February. When heading out on foot, ice needs to be at least 4 inches thick to be safe. 

If you are planning to drive out on a snowmobile, it’s suggested that ice be at least 5-6 inches thick. However, for those hoping to drive out with full-sized vehicles, you will want a solid 8-12 inches for cars and 12-17 inches for trucks. If you are adding an ice castle to the load, you will need to look for closer to 20 inches of ice to be safe. Anytime you are on the ice, avoid any off-colored ice that would indicate possible thin spots or previous cracks that have created weak spots. 

Lake of the Woods IceHow to Track Ice Conditions

The first steps to determining Lake of the Woods ice safety is checking in on Lake of the Woods ice reports. River Bend Resort has a regularly updated report  on ice conditions, fishing tips, and other area information that can help you plan your trip. There are also staff members that are always ready to help give suggestions for the best spots on the ice and the ones to steer clear of. Luckily, our location is in the Bay Area so the ice tends to last longer than other areas of the lake. 

Safety First on Lake of the Woods Ice

When heading out for some late season Lake of the Woods ice fishing, watching the ice is the obvious safety tip, but there are a few others that will help keep you warm and comfortable. If you are going to be hitting the ice on foot, it’s always a good idea to bring an ice pick or rod to test for thickness as you make your way out. 

Lake of the Woods IceIf you do find yourself on a spot that begins to crack, the best course of action is to try to evenly distribute your weight and slowly move back to safety. If you try to run or hop off of the area that is cracking, you could easily find yourself in an even thinner spot or punch through the ice with the added force. It’s best to move slowly and evaluate where you are going to move to carefully. For helpful tips for how to safely get out of the water if you do end up falling through, click this link for a great video that will go through the steps of getting to safety. 

Another tip for safety is being mindful that melting ice means extra water on top of the ice. Most anglers that head out onto the Lake of the Woods ice already have boots on, but making sure that your gear is waterproof will ensure you don’t end up soaking wet and chilled. Having clothing that doesn’t retain moisture for all of your layers will ensure that even if you do end up getting wet, you won’t have to sit in it all day long or have to head in early to dry off.

Lake of the Woods is an incredible body of water that we are so lucky to have for all fishing seasons. However, it’s also a body of water that we must respect in all aspects. Cleaning up after ourselves and navigating it safely are both important details that anglers and those just out to enjoy the beautiful lake have to keep in mind. We hope these tips help keep all that wish to enjoy the Lake of the Woods ice safe and coming back year after year. 


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