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Choosing the Best Poles for Ice Fishing Minnesota Lakes

Ice fishing minnesota

There are quite a few aspects of a trip to the ice-covered lakes of Minnesota that can either make or break your outing. One of the most important things to consider before setting out to Lake of the Woods is what rods you are going to take along. There are a lot of options out there, but River Bend Resort has a few tips for picking out what rods will end up being best for ice fishing Minnesota waters. Check out these ice fishing tips for finding the perfect poles for the best ice fishing adventure yet!

Ice fishing minnesotaThe Perfect Fit

Unlike open water fishing where there are miles of wide open lake and elbow room, ice fishing Minnesota in an ice house can have limited space and your focused casting area is considerably smaller when it’s through a hole in the ice. Since space in ice fishing tends to be in closer quarters, the type of fishing rod is quite a bit different from open water fishing. You aren’t casting out into a lake or river, so the shape and action of rods for ice fishing are different and built specifically for dropping lines through the ice. 

The best way to pick out your rod is to figure out what feels good for you. For ice fishing in an ice house a rod that measures 24-28” long will allow you to set your hook without smacking the roof of your shack. For outdoor ice fishing, you have a bit more space to work with, so 30-32” rods would work fine. There are a variety of sizes, so the best way to know what you want is to pick up a few different pole setups to see what feels best to you. Every angler likes something different, so basing your decision on personal preference and what works for you is key. 

Narrowing Down a Wide Variety

When it comes to picking out a rod setup, it can be hard to pick from all of the different brands and builds. There is a huge variety of poles, so it helps if you know these ice fishing tips on what a few features on poles mean. 

Ice fishing minnesotaAlthough length holds some importance in choosing your rod, weight also plays a role in what the rod is meant for. Different weights help decide what fish you will be reeling in much like how lures affect what lands on your line. Medium to light weight rods tend to be pretty versatile as far as catching a variety of fish. However, if you are after walleyes and looking for a workhorse, medium action rods are the way to go. These will allow you more control of your lure and work better for jigging actions with more aggressive lures without allowing too much flex in the rod. 

Searching for larger fish? A dead stick noodle rod will let you see the end of the rod flex with the bite and set it easily. Having a heavier rod will also back you up on holding onto those heavier fish without worrying about breaking the pole. Noodle rods are typically built for pan fishing or using lighter jigs and are great for indicating up-bites and can eliminate the need for spring bobs. 

Once you have an idea of what fish you want to target and what kind of space you are working with, it is a lot easier to decide what rods you want to have in your arsenal. Though you can definitely have a favorite setup, it is still always a good idea to have a few different rods to head out with. Having a few options makes sure that you can adjust to what is biting and even work multiple holes at once to increase your catches and have a more exciting time out. 

Get Ready to Reel ‘Em In

We hope that these ice fishing tips help you with your search in finding the perfect setup for your tackle collection. Ice fishing Minnesota waters is an incredible experience and we don’t want you to miss a beat. So, grab your poles and your fishing gear, check in on the River Bend Resort Fishing and Lake of the Woods Ice Report, and head out for the adventure of a lifetime. 


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